If you are thinking about taking resveratrol, it is only natural to want to know about the side effects of resveratrol. The good news is that if you are taking resveratrol naturally, meaning eating foods that contain resveratrol, you won’t have to worry too much about resveratrol side effects because the amount of resveratrol isn’t that high, so the side effects if there are any are minimal. For example, in order to overdose on resveratrol you will need to drink several bottles of wine on a daily basis. The side effects that you would experience from drinking wine to obtain resveratrol would be from the wine itself, not the resveratrol.
Taking resveratrol supplements is when you need to be concerned about side effects, especially the negative side effects. In studies done on resveratrol people who are taking large amounts of resveratrol, which is 500 to 1000 mg of resveratrol are more prone to suffering from the negative side effects. People who are taking smaller amounts of resveratrol, which is anything less than 500 mg, are not as likely to develop the side effects. To help avoid the possibility of side effects you want to start off taking small amounts of resveratrol, start with 20 to 50 mg, and gradually increase the amount you are taking, but always stay below the 500 mg dosage.
One side effect of resveratrol is its mild estrogenic activity, even though it has not been studied in people as of yet. Women who have estrogen sensitive conditions, which include some types of cancers, should not take resveratrol without first consulting their doctor. With the amount of estrogen activity that is seen in resveratrol women who are pregnant or nursing, and children need to avoid taking the supplement because they might experience anti-growth side effects, not to mention that resveratrol acts as a blood thinner.
The more common side effects of resveratrol are diarrhea, abnormal blood tests, over thinning of the blood, headaches, and anxiety. If you are thinking of taking resveratrol supplements you will want to talk with your doctor first, especially if you are on any prescription medications because you don’t know how your prescriptions will interact with the resveratrol supplements. If you are currently taking blood thinners, you want to avoid resveratrol supplementation because it can cause your blood to become too thin.
The important thing to remember is that even though you might experience some negative side effects while taking resveratrol, the positive side effects far outweigh the bad, and the negative side effects are completely reversible. No serious side effects have been reported through any studies that have been done.